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My ICASSP 2020 Schedule

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Note: Times and locations are subject to change.

Location: On-Demand
Tuesday, 5 May
11:30 - 13:30
AUD-L1: Music Information Retrieval I On-Demand
BIO-L1: Bioelectrical Signal Processing On-Demand
IVMSP-L1: Inverse Problems in Image/Video Processing I On-Demand
SPTM-L2: Graph Representations and Analysis On-Demand
SPTM-L1: Estimation Theory and Methods I On-Demand
SS SS-L2: Signal Processing Methods for Finance Applications On-Demand
SS SS-L3: A Signal-Processing View of Graph Neural Networks On-Demand
SPE-L1: End-to-end Speech Recognition I: Streaming On-Demand
SPE-L2: Language Disorders On-Demand
SS SS-L1: Active Control of Acoustic Noise over Spatial Regions On-Demand
SPE-P2: Speech Enhancement I: Network Architectures On-Demand
SPE-P1: Adversarial/Discriminative Training and Spoofing for Speaker Recognition On-Demand
SPCOM-P1: Machine Learning for Communcations I On-Demand
SAM-P1: Radar and Acoustic Array Processing On-Demand
SAM-P2: Beamforming, Relaying and Source Separation On-Demand
MLSP-P1: Dictionary Learning, Representation Learning and Matrix Completion On-Demand
MLSP-P2: Applications in Speech and Audio On-Demand
IVMSP-P1: Image/Video Representation On-Demand
AUD-P1: Deep Learning for Audio Classification On-Demand
AUD-P2: Deep Learning for Speech and Audio On-Demand
S&T-P1: Show and Tell 1 On-Demand
16:30 - 18:30
SS SS-L5: Spike-based Neuromorphic Information Representation, Processing and Learning On-Demand
SS SS-L7: Learning and Optimization in Non-Convex Environments On-Demand
SPE-L3: End-to-end Speech Recognition II: New Models On-Demand
SS SS-L6: Machine Learning for Communications II On-Demand
AUD-L2: Deep Learning for Source Separation On-Demand
BIO-L2: Biological Image Analysis On-Demand
SPE-L4: Machine Learning for Language Processing I On-Demand
IFS-L1: Multimedia Forensics On-Demand
MLSP-L1: Adversarial Machine Learning On-Demand
SS SS-L4: End-to-End Approaches for Spoken Language Understanding On-Demand
SPTM-P2: Sampling Theory, Analysis and Methods On-Demand
MLSP-P3: Reinforcement and Sequential Learning On-Demand
MLSP-P4: Adversarial Attacks and Fast Algorithms On-Demand
IVMSP-P3: Machine Learning For Image/Video Processing I On-Demand
IVMSP-P2: Image/Video Coding I On-Demand
DIS-P1: Signal Processing for Emerging Applications: Machine Learning On-Demand
AUD-P3: Acoustic Environments and Spatial Audio I On-Demand
SPTM-P1: Adaptation and Learning over Graphs On-Demand
SPE-P4: Speech Analysis and Coding On-Demand
SPE-P3: Machine Learning for Speech Synthesis I On-Demand
S&T-P2: Show and Tell 2 On-Demand
Wednesday, 6 May
09:00 - 11:00
SPE-L5: Speech Synthesis and Voice Conversion I On-Demand
SS SS-L8: Recent Advances in Automotive Radar Systems On-Demand
SPE-L7: Speech Perception and Psychoacoustics On-Demand
SPE-L6: Speech Enhancement II: Single Channel On-Demand
BIO-L3: Signal Processing in Biometrics On-Demand
AUD-L3: Acoustic Event Detection On-Demand
SS SS-L9: Learning Based Inversion On-Demand
SAM-L1: Direction of Arrival Estimation On-Demand
SPTM-L4: Optimization Techniques I On-Demand
SPTM-L3: Estimation and Detection On-Demand
MLSP-P5: Applications in Video and Image Processing I On-Demand
MLSP-P6: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning On-Demand
AUD-P4: Feedback, Noise, and Reverberation On-Demand
AUD-P5: Music Information Retrieval II On-Demand
IVMSP-P4: Image/Video Analysis I On-Demand
IVMSP-P5: Image/Video Interpretation and Understanding On-Demand
IVMSP-P6: Machine Learning For Image/Video Processing II On-Demand
SPE-P6: Speech Recognition: Acoustic Modelling I On-Demand
SPE-P5: Deep Speaker Recognition Models On-Demand
SPTM-P3: Signal and Information Processing over Graphs On-Demand
S&T-P3: Show and Tell 3 On-Demand
11:30 - 13:30
SPE-L9: Multimodal Processing of Language On-Demand
SS SS-L10: Signal Processing for Emerging Wireless Hardware Architectures On-Demand
SS SS-L12: Machine Learning for Physical Layer Security and Privacy On-Demand
SPE-L8: Speech Synthesis and Voice Conversion II On-Demand
DIS-L1: Array-based Architectures for Energy-efficient Signal Processing Systems On-Demand
IVMSP-L2: Image/Video Analysis II On-Demand
AUD-L4: Audio and Speech Source Separation On-Demand
MLSP-L2: Optimization Algorithms I On-Demand
SS SS-L11: Neural and Audio Signal Processing for Hearing Devices On-Demand
SS SS-L13: Random Matrix Theory and High-Dimensional Statistical Signal Processing On-Demand
SPTM-P5: Optimization Techniques II On-Demand
SPTM-P4: Sparsity-Aware Processing I On-Demand
SAM-P3: Sparsity, Super-Resolution and Imaging On-Demand
SAM-P4: Robustness, Decompositions, Calibration and Bounds On-Demand
BIO-P1: Biomedical Imaging and Analysis On-Demand
AUD-P6: Acoustic Sensor Array Signal Processing I On-Demand
AUD-P7: Audio Classification On-Demand
CI-P1: Computational Imaging Method and Applications On-Demand
SPE-P7: Speech Enhancement III: Hearing Aids and other Applications On-Demand
SPE-P8: Robust Speech Recognition On-Demand
S&T-P4: Show and Tell 4 On-Demand
16:30 - 18:30
IVMSP-L3: Image Emerging Topics On-Demand
SS SS-L14: Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Satellite and Space Communications On-Demand
IVMSP-L4: Machine Learning For Image/Video Processing III On-Demand
IDSP-L1: Signal Processing for Emerging Industry Applications On-Demand
IFS-L2: Privacy, Biometrics and Information Security On-Demand
AUD-L5: Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events On-Demand
SPCOM-L1: Networks and Resource Allocation On-Demand
SS SS-L15: Signal Processing and Coding for Macromolecular Storage and Computing On-Demand
MLSP-L3: Optimization Algorithms II On-Demand
SAM-L2: MIMO Systems and MIMO Radar On-Demand
MMSP-P1: Signal Processing for Multimedia Applications I On-Demand
MLSP-P7: Machine Learning Applications I On-Demand
MLSP-P8: Machine Learning Applications II On-Demand
AUD-P9: Topics in Audio Analysis and Classification On-Demand
AUD-P8: Source Separation and Array Processing On-Demand
BIO-P2: Biomedical Signal Analysis On-Demand
SPTM-P7: Bayesian Signal Processing I On-Demand
SPTM-P6: Sampling, Multirate Signal Processing and Digital Signal Processing On-Demand
SPE-P9: End-to-end Speech Recognition III: General Topics On-Demand
HLT-P1: Spoken Language Understanding and Dialogue I On-Demand
S&T-P5: Show and Tell 5 On-Demand
Thursday, 7 May
09:00 - 11:00
SS SS-L16: Distributed Machine Learning on Wireless Networks On-Demand
SPE-L11: Speech Separation and Extraction I: Single Channel On-Demand
SPE-L10: Speech Recognition: Confidence, Errors and OOVs On-Demand
SPTM-L5: Signal Processing Emerging Topics On-Demand
HLT-L1: Spoken Language Translation On-Demand
AUD-L6: Acoustic Environments and Spatial Audio II On-Demand
CI-L1: Computational Imaging On-Demand
SPTM-L6: Tracking and Adaptive Signal Processing On-Demand
SAM-L3: Sparse Arrays and Sparse Sensing On-Demand
MLSP-P10: Learning Methods On-Demand
MLSP-P9: Graphical, Kernel and Tensor Methods On-Demand
IVMSP-P7: Image/Video Processing I On-Demand
IVMSP-P9: Image/Video Analysis III On-Demand
IVMSP-P8: Inverse Problems in Image/Video Processing II On-Demand
SPCOM-P2: Modulation, Detection and Decoding On-Demand
BIO-P3: Neuro Image and Signal Processing On-Demand
SPE-P11: Emotion On-Demand
HLT-P2: Speech and Language Analysis On-Demand
SPE-P10: Speaker Diarization and Characterization On-Demand
S&T-P6: Show and Tell 6 On-Demand
11:30 - 13:30
SS SS-L17: Model Based Deep Learning On-Demand
SPE-L12: Speech Separation and Extraction II: Multi-channel On-Demand
BIO-L4: Biomedical Signal Processing On-Demand
AUD-L7: Signal Enhancement and Restoration I On-Demand
MLSP-L4: Generative Adversarial Networks On-Demand
MLSP-L6: Sparsity Aware Processing and Learning On-Demand
IVMSP-L5: Image/Video Storage, and Retrieval On-Demand
MLSP-L5: Neural Networks Applications I On-Demand
SAM-L4: Learning Models and Methods for Multi-sensor Systems On-Demand
SS SS-L18: Anomaly Detection and Intent Inference in Object Tracking On-Demand
SPTM-P9: Estimation Theory and Methods II On-Demand
SPTM-P8: Signal Processing over Networks On-Demand
SPCOM-P3: MIMO and Multi-antenna Systems On-Demand
MMSP-P2: Deep Learning for Multimedia Processing and Analysis I On-Demand
MLSP-P12: Applications in Video and Image Processing II On-Demand
MLSP-P11: Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition On-Demand
SPE-P12: Machine Learning for Speech Synthesis II On-Demand
SPE-P13: Speech Separation and Extraction III On-Demand
HLT-P3: Language Understanding and Modeling On-Demand
IOT-P1: Internet of Things On-Demand
S&T-P7: Show and Tell 7 On-Demand
16:30 - 18:30
IDSP-L2: Industry Session on Large-Scale Distributed Learning Strategies On-Demand
COLL-L1: Session 3H: Processing of Highly complex, Heterogeneous, High-dimension data On-Demand
SPE-L13: Speech Recognition: Representations and Embeddings On-Demand
SS SS-L19: Hardware-Efficient Large-Scale Antenna Arrays: The Stage for Symbol-Level Precoding On-Demand
SPE-L14: Speaker Recognition/Identification/Verification On-Demand
SS SS-L20: Sustainable Networking and Computing through Machine Learning On-Demand
MLSP-L7: Machine Learning Applications III On-Demand
MLSP-L8: Tensor-based Signal Processing On-Demand
SS SS-L21: Advances in Signal Processing for Environmental Studies On-Demand
AUD-L8: Acoustic Sensor Array Signal Processing II On-Demand
CI-L2: Computational Optics On-Demand
BIO-P4: Physiological Signal Processing On-Demand
DIS-P2: Algorithm and Architecture Co-optimization On-Demand
IVMSP-P12: Perception and Quality Models On-Demand
IVMSP-P11: Image/Video Processing II On-Demand
IVMSP-P10: Inverse Problems in Image/Video Processing III On-Demand
MMSP-P3: Multimedia Signal Processing On-Demand
HLT-P4: Machine Learning for Language Processing II On-Demand
SPE-P14: Speech Production On-Demand
SPE-P15: Speech Recognition: Adaptation On-Demand
SS SS-P1: Signal Processing Education: Trends and Innovations On-Demand
S&T-P8: Show and Tell 8 On-Demand
Friday, 8 May
08:00 - 10:00
SS SS-L22: Signal Processing for IoT On-Demand
COLL-L2: Session 3R: Robustness Reproducibility Replicability On-Demand
SS SS-L23: Deep Graph Learning On-Demand
HLT-L2: Language Modeling On-Demand
MMSP-L1: Signal Processing for Multimedia Applications II On-Demand
MLSP-L9: Autoencoders On-Demand
SS SS-L24: AMP and other Approximate Bayesian Inference Techniques On-Demand
MLSP-L10: Deep Neural Network Structures On-Demand
IVMSP-L6: Image/Video Synthesis, Rendering and Visualization On-Demand
IVMSP-L7: Point Cloud and Depth Processing On-Demand
IFS-P1: Information Hiding, Biometrics and Security On-Demand
BIO-P5: Bio Image and Signal Processing On-Demand
AUD-P10: Music Signal Processing I On-Demand
SPTM-P10: Detection and Classification On-Demand
SPCOM-P4: Design and Implementation of Communication Systems On-Demand
SAM-P5: Localisation and Tracking On-Demand
SAM-P6: Detection, Estimation and Classification On-Demand
SPE-P18: Speaker Recognition Systems, Data and Features On-Demand
SPE-P17: Speech Enhancement IV On-Demand
SPE-P16: Word Spotting On-Demand
11:45 - 13:45
HLT-L3: Spoken Language Understanding and Dialogue II On-Demand
SPE-L16: Speaker Diarization On-Demand
SPE-L15: Emotion Recognition On-Demand
SPTM-L8: Sparsity-Aware Processing II On-Demand
SS SS-L25: Advances in Low-Resolution Sampling and Signal Processing On-Demand
SPTM-L7: Bayesian Signal Processing II On-Demand
MMSP-L2: Deep Learning for Multimedia Processing and Analysis II On-Demand
AUD-L9: Music Signal Processing II On-Demand
BIO-L5: Medical Image Analysis On-Demand
IVMSP-L8: Multi-scale and Wavelet Processing On-Demand
IFS-P2: Anonymization, Security and Privacy On-Demand
DIS-P3: Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems for Wireless Communication Systems On-Demand
AUD-P11: Signal Enhancement and Restoration II On-Demand
MLSP-P14: Topics in Machine Learning On-Demand
SS SS-P2: Unconventional Sensing On-Demand
MLSP-P13: Neural Networks Applications II On-Demand
SPCOM-P5: Communication Signal Analysis and Optimization On-Demand
SPE-P19: Machine Learning for Speech Synthesis III On-Demand
SPE-P20: Speech Recognition: Acoustic Modelling II On-Demand
HLT-P5: Multilingual Processing of Language On-Demand
S&T-P9: Show and Tell 9 On-Demand
15:15 - 17:15
MLSP-L12: Sequential Learning On-Demand
SPE-L17: Paralinguistics Modeling On-Demand
SPCOM-L2: Channel Estimation On-Demand
SS SS-L26: Signal Processing for Beyond 5G Communications On-Demand
SS SS-L27: Signal Processing for Sensing, Information Fusion, and Situational Awareness in Autonomous Systems On-Demand
MLSP-L11: Attention Networks On-Demand
IVMSP-L9: Image/Video Coding II On-Demand
IVMSP-L10: Image/Video Processing III On-Demand
IDSP-P1: Emerging Signal Processing Applications On-Demand
IFS-P3: Multimedia Forensics and Biometrics On-Demand
BIO-P6: Biomedical Image Segmentation On-Demand
AUD-P12: Audio, Speech and Music Analysis On-Demand
MLSP-P15: Neural Network Algorithms On-Demand
MLSP-P16: Neural Networks Applications III On-Demand
DIS-P4: Design and Implementation of Emerging Signal Processing Systems On-Demand
SPE-P21: Voice Conversion On-Demand
SPE-P23: Speech Recognition: General Topics On-Demand
SPE-P22: Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition and Search On-Demand