
Evaluating the MR Safety of Passive Implants in Surgical and After Heal Models at 1.5 T and 3 T MRI

Ananya Nandikanti, Jianfeng Zheng, Ji Chen, University of Houston, United States

K1: EM Applications in Biomedical Diagnosis, Imaging and Sensing Lecture

Commission K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine

Room 150

Presentation Time:
Wed, 10 Jan, 11:00 - 11:20 MST (UTC -7)

Session Co-Chairs:
Sima Noghanian, CommScope Ruckus Wireless Networks and Hakki Gurhan, University of Colorado Boulder
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Session K1
K1.1: Comparison of Different Microwave Tissue Phantoms for the Design of an Optimal Validation System for RF Devices
Anthony Giordano, Melany Hernandez, Satheesh Venkatakrishnan, Florida International University, United States
K1.2: Electromagnetic Uncertainty Analysis of 3D Biological Phantoms
Apoorva Pedgaonkar, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, United States; Gregory Moss, Remcom Inc., United States; Jamesina Simpson, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, United States
K1.3: Estimating the spatial average of breast tissue permittivity using single- and multiple-channel transmission measurements for patient-specific microwave hyperthermia beamformer design
Tessa A. Haldes, Susan C. Hagness, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
K1.4: Internal Body Temperature Measurements Using a Miniaturized Hybrid Radiometer
Jooeun Lee, Sofia Mvokany, Zoya Popovic, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
K1.5: The Influence of Low-Intensity Radiofrequency Fields on Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Cancer Cells
Hakki Gurhan, Frank Barnes, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
K1.6: Comparison of the RF Fields Distribution Between a High-Permittivity Material and a Metasurface for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sabrina Rotundo, University of Pisa, Italy; Giuseppe Carluccio, New York University, United States; Danilo Brizi, University of Pisa, Italy; Christopher Collins, New York University, United States; Agostino Monorchio, University of Pisa, Italy; Riccardo Lattanzi, New York University, United States
K1.7: Low-Frequency Magnetic Field and Cancer Cells
Marek Bajtoš, University of Zilina, Slovakia; Nhat Dang, Hakki Gurhan, Frank Barnes, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
K1.8: Evaluating the MR Safety of Passive Implants in Surgical and After Heal Models at 1.5 T and 3 T MRI
Ananya Nandikanti, Jianfeng Zheng, Ji Chen, University of Houston, United States
K1.9: Propagation of a the Fields from a Single Coil in a High-Permittivity Helmet for MRI Applications
Giuseppe Carluccio, Christopher Collins, New York University, United States
K1.10: The Use of RF and Magnetic Fields for Communication and Control Between and Within Cells: “A Cell Phone System for Cells”
Frank Barnes, Hakki Gurhan, University of Colorado Boulder, United States