K1: EM Applications in Biomedical Diagnosis, Imaging and Sensing
Wed, 10 Jan, 08:20 - 12:00 MST (UTC -7)
Location: Room 150
Session Type: Lecture
Session Co-Chairs: Sima Noghanian, CommScope Ruckus Wireless Networks and Hakki Gurhan, University of Colorado Boulder
Track: Commission K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine
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Wed, 10 Jan, 08:20 - 08:40 MST (UTC -7)

K1.1: Comparison of Different Microwave Tissue Phantoms for the Design of an Optimal Validation System for RF Devices

Anthony Giordano, Melany Hernandez, Satheesh Venkatakrishnan, Florida International University, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 08:40 - 09:00 MST (UTC -7)

K1.2: Electromagnetic Uncertainty Analysis of 3D Biological Phantoms

Apoorva Pedgaonkar, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, United States; Gregory Moss, Remcom Inc., United States; Jamesina Simpson, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 09:20 - 09:40 MST (UTC -7)

K1.4: Internal Body Temperature Measurements Using a Miniaturized Hybrid Radiometer

Jooeun Lee, Sofia Mvokany, Zoya Popovic, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 09:40 - 10:00 MST (UTC -7)

K1.5: The Influence of Low-Intensity Radiofrequency Fields on Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Cancer Cells

Hakki Gurhan, Frank Barnes, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 10:20 - 10:40 MST (UTC -7)

K1.6: Comparison of the RF Fields Distribution Between a High-Permittivity Material and a Metasurface for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Sabrina Rotundo, University of Pisa, Italy; Giuseppe Carluccio, New York University, United States; Danilo Brizi, University of Pisa, Italy; Christopher Collins, New York University, United States; Agostino Monorchio, University of Pisa, Italy; Riccardo Lattanzi, New York University, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 10:40 - 11:00 MST (UTC -7)

K1.7: Low-Frequency Magnetic Field and Cancer Cells

Marek Bajtoš, University of Zilina, Slovakia; Nhat Dang, Hakki Gurhan, Frank Barnes, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 11:00 - 11:20 MST (UTC -7)

K1.8: Evaluating the MR Safety of Passive Implants in Surgical and After Heal Models at 1.5 T and 3 T MRI

Ananya Nandikanti, Jianfeng Zheng, Ji Chen, University of Houston, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 11:20 - 11:40 MST (UTC -7)

K1.9: Propagation of a the Fields from a Single Coil in a High-Permittivity Helmet for MRI Applications

Giuseppe Carluccio, Christopher Collins, New York University, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 11:40 - 12:00 MST (UTC -7)

K1.10: The Use of RF and Magnetic Fields for Communication and Control Between and Within Cells: “A Cell Phone System for Cells”

Frank Barnes, Hakki Gurhan, University of Colorado Boulder, United States