Call for Sponsors and Exhibitors

We are pleased to offer customized opportunities and recognition platforms at InGARSS2021. As this conference is being organized in fully virtual mode, the exhibits and sponsors' showcases will also be virtual. The details regarding sponsorship amount at different levels and the showcase mode can be found in the following table. The interested sponsors/exhibitors may contact the Sponsorship Chair for further details on

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Benefits Platinum Sponsor (INR 100,000 / USD 1,430) Diamond Sponsor (INR 50,000 / USD 720) Gold Sponsor (INR 25,000 / USD 360) Silver Sponsor (INR 10,000 / USD 150)
Acknowledgement During Inaugural and Closing Ceremony
Slot (Presentation) 10 minutes 5 minutes 3 minutes (Pre-recorded video)
Common leaflet displaying sponsor’s logo on IEEE InGARSS 2021 conference website
Common page display with sponsor's logo(Start & End of Individual technical session)
Virtual Event Bag (leaflet with sponsor's details) to all registered participants 12 pages 6 pages 4 pages 2 pages
Complimentary registrations 20 10 5 2

Note: The sponsorship amount mentioned is excluding GST at 18%.