Tutorial Proposals
Wednesday, 6 September 2023 | Tutorial Proposal Deadline |
Wednesday, 18 October 2023 | Tutorial Acceptance Notification |
The International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing (ICASSP), is the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s flagship conference on signal processing and its applications. The 49th edition of ICASSP will be held in Seoul, Korea. The programme will include keynotes by pre-eminent international speakers, cutting-edge tutorial topics, forward-looking special sessions, and several novel satellite events. ICASSP also provides a great networking opportunity with a wide range of like-minded professionals from academia. ICASSP 2024 will be an in-person conference; so, for each accepted tutorial, its proposer(s) will have to present it in-person in Seoul.
Conference Topics (although not limited to):
- Applied Signal Processing Systems
- Audio & Acoustic Signal Processing
- Biomedical Imaging & Signal Processing
- Compressive Sensing, Sparse Modelling
- Computational Imaging
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning/Machine Learning for Signal Processing
- Image, Video & Multidimensional Signal Processing
- Industrial Signal Processing
- Information Forensics & Security
- Internet of Things
- Multimedia Signal Processing
- Quantum Signal Processing
- Remote Sensing and Signal Processing
- Sensor Array & Multichannel Signal Processing
- Signal Processing for Big Data
- Signal Processing for Communication & Networking
- Signal Processing for Cyber Security
- Signal Processing for Education
- Signal Processing Over Graphs
- Signal Processing Theory & Methods
- Speech & Language Processing
- Call for Tutorial Proposals
Tutorial proposals in all areas of signal processing and its applications, as listed in the conference topics, are warmly invited, and encouraged, especially those related to the theme of the conference and to new and emerging topics.
Tutorials will have a duration of 3 hours, including a 20-minute break, and will take place before the main technical program. As ICASSP2024 is an in-person conference, for each accepted tutorial, its proposer(s) will have to present it in-person in Seoul.
An honorarium of $1000 will be given per tutorial.
Please read carefully the guidelines outlined next before submitting your tutorial proposal through the link at the bottom of this page.
Tutorial proposals should include the following essential information:
- Title of the tutorial.
- Presenter name(s), contact information, short biography (maximum of 1000 characters), and five recent related publications.
- A summary of presenter’s previous tutorial delivery experience.
- The rationale for the tutorial including:
- the importance,
- timeliness,
- novelty of the tutorial, and
- how it can introduce new ideas, topics, and tools to the SP community.
- A detailed description of the tutorial outlining the topics and subtopics covered.
- A statement of any previous or related versions of this tutorial.
Tutorial proposals will be peer-reviewed based on the above information. The titles of selected tutorials will be posted in the conference webpage and the tutorials which do not attract sufficient registrants may be cancelled.
Submission Instructions
Proposals should be submitted through the online form, below. Inquiries should be sent via e-mail to the Tutorial Chairs at tutorials@2024.ieeeicassp.org.