Technical Program
Full Program
Technical Program
Session B4
B4: Antenna, Theory, and Design II
Wed, 10 Jan, 14:40 - 16:20 MST (UTC -7)
Room 1B40
Session Type:
Session Co-Chairs:
John Volakis, FIU and Karl Warnick, Brigham Young University
Commission B: Fields and Waves
Click the
to view the manuscript on IEEE Xplore Open Preview
Wed, 10 Jan, 14:40 - 15:00 MST (UTC -7)
B4.1: mm-Wave UWB Tightly Coupled Dipole Array Realized Using a Hybrid PCB – 3D Printing Fabrication Approach
Michail Anastasiadis, FIU, United States; Md Rakibul Islam, Galtronics USA Ltd., United States; Jorge Caripidis Troccola, John Volakis, FIU, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:00 - 15:20 MST (UTC -7)
B4.2: Planar Reflection-less Lens Based on Miniaturized-element Frequency Selective Surfaces for Automotive Radar Applications
Ehsan Hafezi, Kamal Sarabandi, University of Michigan, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:20 - 15:40 MST (UTC -7)
B4.3: MIMO WiFi Imaging based on Reconfigurable Passive EM Skins
Joseph Faia, Danilo Erricolo, University of Illinois Chicago, United States; Giacomo Oliveri, ELEDIA Research Center University of Trento, Italy
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:40 - 16:00 MST (UTC -7)
B4.4: Wideband Analog Interference Cancellation Using True Time Delays, Hadamard Projections, and a Kronecker Decomposition Algorithm
Devon Ward, Student at Brigham Young University, United States; Karl Warnick, Brigham Young University, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 16:00 - 16:20 MST (UTC -7)
B4.5: Substrate Integrated Impedance Surface and Their Applications in Waveguide and Antenna Technologies
Asim Alkhaibari, Pai-Yen Chen, Danilo Erricolo, University of Illinois Chicago, United States