G5.1: EclipseNB: A Radio Instrument Network for Monitoring the Ionosphere During the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Chris Watson, Anton Kashcheyev, Thayyil Jayachandran, Richard Chadwick, University of New Brunswick, Canada
G5.2: Improvements to GNSS-based Ionospheric Monitoring using Low-Elevation Single-Frequency Wideband Signals
Madeline Evans, Yang Wang, Brian Breitsch, Jade Morton, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
G5.4: Climatology of Equatorial F-Region UHF Coherent Backscatter Radar Echoes and Comparison with Collocated VHF Radar Observations
Alexander Massoud, Fabiano Rodrigues, Jonas Sousasantos, The University of Texas at Dallas, United States; Marco Milla, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru; Danny Scipion, Joab Apaza, Karim Kuyeng, Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca, Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Peru; Carlos Padin, Universidad Ana G. Méndez, United States
G5.5: A Modern VLF Receiver for use in an Array for VLF Imaging of the D-Region
James Cannon, Robert Marshall, Ryan Dick, Bennett Fragomeni, Sebastian Wankmueller, Sophia Orlandella, University of Colorado Boulder, United States