H2*.2: Quantifying the Effects of Electron Shot Noise on a Current Biased Antenna
Winry Ember, Marc Pulupa, Stuart D. Bale, University of California, Berkeley, United States
H2*.3: First Results from the LIEFSI Campaign – Setup and Calibration
Justin Bowman, West Virginia University, United States; Erik Tejero, U.S Naval Research Laboratory, United States; John Bonnell, University of California, United States; William Amatucci, U.S Naval Research Laboratory, United States; Katherine Goodrich, West Virginia University, United States
H2*.4: First Results from the LIEFSI Campaign – Interpretations and Applications
John Bonnell, Univ. of California, Berkeley, United States; Justin Bowman, Katherine Goodrich, West Virginia University, United States; Erik Tejero, William Amatucci, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, United States
H2*.5: Plasma Impedance Tomography: A Noninvasive Plasma Imaging Diagnostic
Erik Tejero, George Gatling, Matt Paliwoda, Ami DuBois, Bill Amatucci, Naval Research Laboratory, United States