H4.4: Unveiling Zebra-like Patterns in Type III Radio Bursts: Multi-Spacecraft Observations
Vratislav Krupar, UMBC and NASA, United States; Mychajlo Hajos, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
H4.5: Development of the Ambipolar Electric Field in a Compressed Current Sheet and the Impact on Magnetic Reconnection
Ami DuBois, Chris Crabtree, Gurudas Ganguli, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, United States
H4.7: Geomagnetically conjugate measurements of radio emissions or auroral origin
James LaBelle, Stephanie Damish, David McGaw, Terrence Kovacs, John Griffin, Dartmouth College, United States; Anton Kashcheyev, P. T. Jayachandran, University of New Brunswick, Canada
H4.9: Observational Properties of Harmonic EMIC waves in the Earth magnetosphere
Shujie Gu, Xu Liu, Lunjin Chen, Wenyao Gu, University of Texas at Dallas, United States