
Pre-Decoder Processing Functions for a DMC with Mismatched Decoding

Jonathan Solel, Anelia Somekh-Baruch, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Mismatched and universal decoding

9: Shannon Theory

Omikron I

Presentation Time:
Tue, 9 Jul, 16:05 - 16:25

Session Chair:
Francesc Molina, Pompeu Fabra University
This paper analyzes the effect of adding a pre-decoder processing function to a receiver that contains a fixed mismatched decoder at the output of a discrete memoryless channel. We study properties of the symbolwise pre-processing function and show that it is a simple yet very powerful tool which enables to obtain reliable transmission at a positive rate for almost every metric. We present lower and upper bounds on the capacity of a channel with mismatched decoding and symbolwise pre-processing, and show that the optimal pre-processing function for random coding is deterministic. We also characterize achievable error exponents. Finally, we prove that a separation principle holds for vectorwise pre-processing functions and further, that deterministic functions maximize the reliably transmitted rate.