Information diagram and the I-measure are useful mnemonics where random variables are treated as sets, and entropy and mutual information are treated as a signed measure. The theoretical underpinning of the ``random variables as sets'' analogy has been unclear until the recent works on mappings from random variables to sets by Ellerman (recovering order-2 Tsallis entropy over general probability space), and Down and Mediano (recovering Shannon entropy over discrete probability space). We generalize these constructions by designing a mapping which recovers the Shannon entropy (and the information density) over general probability space. Moreover, it has an intuitive interpretation based on the arrival time in a Poisson process, allowing us to understand the union, intersection and difference between (sets corresponding to) random variables and events. Cross entropy, KL divergence, and conditional entropy given an event, can be obtained as set intersections. We propose a generalization of the information diagram that also includes events, and demonstrate its usage by a diagrammatic proof of Fano's inequality.