
Secure Storage using Maximally Recoverable Locally Repairable Codes

Tim Janz, University of Stuttgart, Germany; Hedongliang Liu, Rawad Bitar, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Frank R. Kschischang, University of Toronto, Canada

Codes for Storage 4

13: Coding for Computation and Storage

Ypsilon IV-V-VI

Presentation Time:
Tue, 9 Jul, 16:25 - 16:45

Session Chair:
P Vijay Kumar, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
This paper considers data secrecy in distributed storage systems (DSSs) using maximally recoverable locally repairable codes (MR-LRCs). Conventional MR-LRCs are in general not secure against eavesdroppers who can observe the transmitted data during a global repair operation. This work enables nonzero secrecy dimension of DSSs encoded by MR-LRCs through a new repair framework. The key idea is to associate each local group with a central processing unit (CPU), which aggregates and transmits the contribution from the intact nodes of their group to the CPU of a group needing a global repair. The aggregation is enabled by so-called local polynomials that can be generated independently in each group. Two different schemes -- direct repair and forwarded repair -- are considered, and their secrecy dimension using MR-LRCs is derived. Positive secrecy dimension is enabled for several parameter regimes.