
A Monotone Circuit Construction for Individually-Secure Multi-Secret Sharing

Cailyn Bass, Clemson University, United States; Alejandro Cohen, Technion, Israel; Rafael D'Oliveira, Clemson University, United States; Muriel Medard, MIT, United States

Secure Communication and Computation

14: Secure Communication and Computation


Presentation Time:
Mon, 8 Jul, 10:45 - 11:05

Session Chair:
Martina Cardone, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
In this work, we introduce a new technique for taking a single-secret sharing scheme with a general access structure and transforming it into an individually secure multi-secret sharing scheme where every secret has the same general access structure. To increase the information rate, we consider \emph{Individual Security} which guarantees zero mutual information with \emph{each secret individually}, for any unauthorized subsets. Our approach involves identifying which shares of the single-secret sharing scheme can be replaced by combinations of messages. When $m-1$ shares are replaced, our scheme obtains an information rate of $m/|S|$, where $S$ is the set of shares. This provides an improvement over the information rate of $1/|S|$ in the original single-secret sharing scheme.