
Graph Reconstruction from Noisy Random Subgraphs

Andrew McGregor, University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States; Rik Sengupta, IBM Research, United States

Graph Theory and Analytics

21: Other topics


Presentation Time:
Fri, 12 Jul, 15:15 - 15:35

Session Chair:
Violetta Weger, Technical university Munich
We consider the problem of reconstructing an undirected graph $G$ on $n$ vertices given multiple random noisy subgraphs or ``traces''. Specifically, a trace is generated by sampling each vertex with probability $p_v$, then taking the resulting induced subgraph on the sampled vertices, and then adding noise in the form of either a) deleting each edge in the subgraph with probability $1-p_e$, or b) deleting each edge with probability $f_e$ and transforming a non-edge into an edge with probability $f_e$. We show that, under mild assumptions on $p_v$, $p_e$ and $f_e$, if $G$ is selected uniformly at random, then $O(p_e^{-1} p_v^{-2} \log n)$ or $O((f_e-1/2)^{-2} p_v^{-2} \log n)$ traces suffice to reconstruct $G$ with high probability. In contrast, if $G$ is arbitrary, it can be shown that $\exp(\Omega(n))$ traces are necessary even when $p_v=1, p_e=1/2$.