
Binary Maximal Leakage

Robinson D. H. Cung, Yanina Y. Shkel, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland and Ibrahim Issa, American University of Beirut

Maximal Leakage

9: Shannon Theory

Omikron II

Presentation Time:
Thu, 11 Jul, 16:45 - 17:05

Session Chair:
Parastoo Sadeghi, The University of New South Wales
Given two random variables X and Y , the maximal leakage from X to Y was recently proposed as an operational privacy measure. Maximal leakage quantifies the multiplicative increase of the probability of correctly guessing any randomized function of X after observing Y . This work investigates the properties of maximal leakage in the situation where only certain functions of X are assumed to be of interest to the adversary; specifically, the focus is on measuring maximal leakage with respect to all binary functions of X. A definition for binary leakage is proposed and a characterization theorem for this new measure is derived. The new privacy mea- sure is shown to satisfy standard properties, such as composition theorems and the data processing inequalities. Many of the stated results naturally extend to which assumes the function of interest is k-valued. Finally, a relation between the binary leakage and the Dobrushin coefficient is established, and possible applications of this relation are explored.