Private Repair of a Single Erasure in Reed-Solomon Codes
Stanislav Kruglik, Han Mao Kiah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Son Hoang Dau, RMIT University, Australia; Eitan Yaakobi, Technion, Israel
Topics in Modern Coding Theory 2
2: Modern Coding Theory
Presentation Time:
Thu, 11 Jul, 15:35 - 15:55
Session Chair:
David Mitchell,
We investigate the problem of privately recovering a single erasure for Reed-Solomon codes with low communication bandwidths. For an $[n,k]_{\mathbb{F}_{q^\ell}}$ code with $n-k\geq q^m+t-1$, we construct a repair scheme that allows a client to recover an arbitrary codeword symbol without leaking its index to any set of $t$ colluding helper nodes at a repair bandwidth of $(n-1)(\ell-m)$ sub-symbols in $\mathbb{F}_q$. When $t=1$, this reduces to the bandwidth of existing repair schemes based on subspace polynomials. We prove the optimality of the proposed scheme when $n=q^\ell$ under a reasonable assumption about the schemes being used. Our private repair scheme can also be transformed into a private retrieval scheme for data encoded by Reed-Solomon codes.