New Algorithms for Computing Sibson Capacity and Arimoto Capacity
Akira Kamatsuka, Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan; Yuki Ishikawa, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan; Koki Kazama, Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan; Takahiro Yoshida, Nihon University, Japan
Discrete Channels
9: Shannon Theory
Presentation Time:
Mon, 8 Jul, 17:25 - 17:45
Session Chair:
Luca Barletta,
The Sibson and Arimoto capacity, which are based on the Sibson and Arimoto mutual information (MI) of order α, respectively, are well-known generalizations of the channel capacity C. In this study, we derive novel alternating optimization algorithms for computing these capacities by providing new variational characterizations of the Sibson and Arimoto MI. Moreover, we prove that all iterative algorithms for computing these capacities are equivalent under appropriate conditions imposed on their initial distributions.