THIS PAPER IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE STUDENT PAPER AWARD. We introduce for non-uniform messages a novel hybrid universal network coding cryptosystem (NU-HUNCC) in the finite blocklength regime that provides Post-Quantum (PQ) security at high communication rates. Recently, hybrid cryptosystems offered PQ security by premixing the data using secure coding schemes and encrypting only a small portion of it, assuming the data is uniformly distributed. An assumption that is often challenging to enforce. Standard fixed-length lossless source coding and compression schemes guarantee a uniform output in normalized divergence. Yet, this is not sufficient to guarantee security. We consider an efficient almost uniform compression scheme in non-normalized variational distance for the proposed hybrid cryptosystem, that by utilizing a uniform sub-linear shared seed, guarantees PQ security. Specifically, for the proposed PQ cryptosystem, first, we provide an end-to-end coding scheme, NU-HUNCC, for non-uniform messages. Second, we show that NU-HUNCC is information-theoretic individually secured (IS) against an eavesdropper with access to any subset of the links. Third, we introduce a modified security definition, individually semantically secure under a chosen ciphertext attack (ISS-CCA1), and show that against an all-observing eavesdropper, NU-HUNCC satisfies its conditions. Finally, we provide an analysis that shows the high communication rate of NU-HUNCC and the negligibility of the shared seed size.