
Min-Entropic Quantities Induced by Cones: Properties & Operational Interpretations

Ian George, Eric Chitambar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States

Quantum Shannon Theory 1

6: Quantum Information and Coding Theory

Ypsilon I-II-III

Presentation Time:
Tue, 9 Jul, 11:50 - 12:10

Session Chair:
Uzi Pereg, Technion
In one-shot and zero-error information theory, the conditional min-entropy is a fundamental tool. It may be expressed as a conic program over the positive semidefinite cone. Recently, Chitambar et al. showed that the same conic program altered to be over the separable cone is a measure of transmitting classical communication over a quantum channel called the `communication value.' In this work, we extend this idea to a broad class of convex cones to induce new families of entropic quantities. We show this methodology has operational relevance by characterizing a generalized notion of communication value and relating a class of cone-restricted entropies to a partial ordering on converting quantum channels via bistochastic pre-processing. We also show regularized smooth versions of these entropic quantities do not in general converge to the von Neumann entropy, which shows tasks characterized by these quantities are not equivalent even in an asymptotic i.i.d. fashion.