
A Third Information-Theoretic Approach to Finite de Finetti Theorems

Mario Berta, RWTH Aachen, Germany; Lampros Gavalakis, Gustave Eiffel University, France; Ioannis Kontoyiannis, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Probability and Bounds

11: Information Theory and Statistics

Omikron I

Presentation Time:
Mon, 8 Jul, 10:05 - 10:25

Session Chair:
Bobak Nazer, Boston University
A new finite form of de Finetti's representation theorem is established using elementary information-theoretic tools. The distribution of the first $k$ random variables in an exchangeable vector of $n\geq k$ random variables is close to a mixture of product distributions. Closeness is measured in terms of the relative entropy and an explicit bound is provided. This bound is tighter than those obtained via earlier information-theoretic proofs, and its utility extends to random variables taking values in general spaces. The core argument employed has its origins in the quantum information-theoretic literature.