
CRYSTALS-Kyber With Lattice Quantizer

Shuiyin Liu, Holmes Institute, Australia; Amin Sakzad, Monash University, Australia

Post-quantum Cryptography

5: Cryptography

Ballroom II & III

Presentation Time:
Fri, 12 Jul, 09:45 - 10:05

Session Chair:
Jens Zumbraegel,
Module Learning with Errors (M-LWE) based key reconciliation mechanisms (KRM) can be viewed as quantizing an M-LWE sample according to a lattice codebook. This paper describes a generic M-LWE-based KRM framework, valid for any dimensional lattices and any modulus q without a dither. Our main result is an explicit upper bound on the decryption failure rate (DFR) of M-LWE-based KRM. This bound allows us to construct optimal lattice quantizers to reduce the DFR and communication cost simultaneously. Moreover, we present a KRM scheme using the same security parameters (q,k,\eta_1, \eta_2) as in Kyber. Compared with Kyber, the communication cost is reduced by up to 36.47% and the DFR is reduced by a factor of up to 2^99. The security arguments remain the same as Kyber.