Existential Unforgeability in Quantum Authentication From Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions Based on Random von Neumann Measurement
Soham Ghosh, Vladlen Galetsky, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Pol Julià Farré, Christian Deppe, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany; Roberto Ferrara, Holger Boche, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Quantum Cryptography
6: Quantum Information and Coding Theory
Ballroom II & III
Presentation Time:
Fri, 12 Jul, 12:10 - 12:30
Session Chair:
Matthieu Bloch,
Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are hardware devices with the assumption of possessing inherent, non-clonable physical randomness which leads to unique pairs of inputs and outputs that provide a secure fingerprint for cryptographic protocols like Authentication. In the case of quantum PUFs (QPUFs), the input-output pairs consists of quantum states instead of classical bitstrings, offering advantages over classical PUFs (CPUFs) such as challenge reusability via public channels and non-reliance over any trusted party due to the no-cloning theorem. In recent literature, a generalized mathematical framework for studying QPUFs was developed, which paved the way for having QPUF models with provable security. It was proved that \emph{existential unforgeability} against Quantum Polynomial Time (QPT) adversaries cannot be achieved by any random unitary QPUF. Since measurements are non-unitary quantum processes, we define a QPUF based on random von Neumann measurements. We prove that such a QPUF is existentially unforgeable. Thus, we introduce the first model in existing literature that depicts such a high level of provable security. We also prove that the Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) protocol applied on a Haar random unitary serves as an approximate implementation for this kind of QPUF as it approximates a von Neumann measurement on the eigenbasis of the unitary.