MP4b: Information Theoretic Methods for Machine Learning
Mon, 28 Oct, 15:30 - 17:10 PT (UTC -7)
Location: Nautilus
Session Type: Lecture
Track: Adaptive Systems, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics
Mon, 28 Oct, 15:30 - 15:55 PT (UTC -7)

MP4b.1: Detection of Untrustworthy Outputs from Learning Models: A Multiple Testing Approach

Akshayaa Magesh, Venugopal Veeravalli, UIUC, United States; Anirban Roy, Susmit Jha, SRI, United States
Mon, 28 Oct, 15:55 - 16:20 PT (UTC -7)

MP4b.2: Enhancing Policy Robustness in Markov Decision Processes with Limited Domain Knowledge

Akram Awad, Shihab Ahmed, Yue Wang, George Atia, University of Central Florida, United States
Mon, 28 Oct, 16:20 - 16:45 PT (UTC -7)

MP4b.3: Adaptive Text Watermark for Large Language Models

Yepeng Liu, Yuheng Bu, University of Florida, United States
Mon, 28 Oct, 16:45 - 17:10 PT (UTC -7)

MP4b.4: Understanding global convergence in bilevel optimization

Quan Xiao, Tianyi Chen, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States