MA3b: Data-driven Optimization for Transportation Networks
Mon, 28 Oct, 10:15 - 11:55 PT (UTC -7)
Location: Scripps
Session Type: Lecture
Track: Networks and Graphs
Mon, 28 Oct, 10:15 - 10:40 PT (UTC -7)

MA3b.1: A sparse nonlinear approach for designing hub-and-spoke air transportation networks

Fernando Real-Rojas, Victor M. Tenorio, Antonio G. Marques, King Juan Carlos University, Spain
Mon, 28 Oct, 10:40 - 11:05 PT (UTC -7)

MA3b.2: A Benders Decomposition Approach to Scenario-Based Integrated Robust Airline Scheduling

Luis Cadarso, Raúl de Celis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Mon, 28 Oct, 11:05 - 11:30 PT (UTC -7)

MA3b.3: Transportation Network Design Under Passenger Choice

Pushpendra Singh, Dartmouth, United States; Fernando Real-Rojas, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain; Vikrant Vaze, Dartmouth, United States; Victor Tenorio, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Mon, 28 Oct, 11:30 - 11:55 PT (UTC -7)

MA3b.4: Simulation Evaluation and Algorithms Development of UTM ConOps for Urban Drone Delivery Operations

Lishuai Li, Xinyu He, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR of China