WA2a: MIMO Communication above 6 GHz
Wed, 30 Oct, 08:15 - 09:55 PT (UTC -8)
Location: Acacia
Session Type: Lecture
Session Chair: Nuria Gonzalez-Prelcic, University of California, San Diego
Track: MIMO Communications and Signal Processing
Wed, 30 Oct, 08:15 - 08:40 PT (UTC -8)

WA2a.1: Position-Aided Beam Management for Multi-Panel Dynamic Metasurface Antennas

Ibrahim Kilinc, Nitish Deshpande, Robert Heath, University of California San Diego, United States
Wed, 30 Oct, 08:40 - 09:05 PT (UTC -8)

WA2a.2: Outage-Minimization Power and Spectrum Allocation for Terahertz Communications Systems

Sota Uchimura, Koji Ishibashi, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan; Josep Miquel Jornet, Northeastern University, Japan
Wed, 30 Oct, 09:05 - 09:30 PT (UTC -8)

WA2a.3: Near-Field Measurement System for the Upper Mid-Band

Raghavendra Palayam Hari, Hao Guo, Ali Rasteh, New York University, United States; Marco Mezzavilla, Politecnico di Milano, United States; Sundeep Rangan, New York University, United States
Wed, 30 Oct, 09:30 - 09:55 PT (UTC -8)

WA2a.4: Near Field Dictionary Design and Channel Estimation Using Discrete Fresnel Transform

Ziyi Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR of China; Shuoyao Wang, Shenzhen University, China; Ying-Jun Angela Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR of China