MP1b: Semantic and Goal-Oriented Communications
Mon, 28 Oct, 15:30 - 17:10 PT (UTC -7)
Location: Heather
Session Type: Lecture
Track: Communication Systems
Mon, 28 Oct, 15:30 - 15:55 PT (UTC -7)

MP1b.1: Efficient Semantic Communications Through Transformer-Aided Compression

Matin Mortaheb, University of Maryland, United States; Mohammad A. (Amir) Khojastepour, NEC Laboratories America, United States; Sennur Ulukus, University of Maryland, United States
Mon, 28 Oct, 15:55 - 16:20 PT (UTC -7)

MP1b.2: Goal-oriented Communications based on Recursive Early Exit Neural Networks

Jary Pomponi, Alessio Devoto, Paolo Di Lorenzo, Simone Scardapane, Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy
Mon, 28 Oct, 16:20 - 16:45 PT (UTC -7)

MP1b.3: Deep Unfolding Based Precoding for Task-Oriented Semantic Communications Over MIMO Channels

Chang Cai, The Chinese Universty of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR of China; Xiaojun Yuan, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China; Ying-Jun Angela Zhang, The Chinese Universty of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR of China
Mon, 28 Oct, 16:45 - 17:10 PT (UTC -7)

MP1b.4: Goal-oriented Real-time Tracking in a Status Update System Under Imperfect Feedback

Saeid Sadeghi Vilni, Abolfazl Zakeri, University of oulu, Finland; Mohammad Moltafet, University of California at Santa Cruz, United States; Marian Codreanu, Linköping University, Sweden