H1*: Ionospheric Modification
Wed, 10 Jan, 14:40 - 16:20 MST (UTC -7)
Location: Room 155
Session Type: Lecture
Session Co-Chairs: Mark Golkowski, University of Colorado Denver and Eliana Nossa, Aerospace
Track: Special Sessions
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Wed, 10 Jan, 14:40 - 15:00 MST (UTC -7)

H1*.1: Evolution of Artificial Ionospheric Irregularities: Dependence on HAARP Beam Pattern

Erin Lay, Ian Cummings, Christopher Jeffery, Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States; Paul Bernhardt, Mike McCarrick, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:00 - 15:20 MST (UTC -7)

H1*.2: A Study of Bistatic Coherent Radar Imaging of Ionospheric Irregularities using Simulated Data

Christopher Jeffery, Ian Cummings, Erin Lay, Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:20 - 15:40 MST (UTC -7)

H1*.3: Controlled Whistler Mode Wave Injection Experiments with the HAARP facility

Mark Golkowski, Raahima Khatun-E-Zannat, Ryan Eskola, University of Colorado Denver, United States; Robert Moore, University of Florida, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:40 - 16:00 MST (UTC -7)

H1*.4: Ionospheric Amplification of Whistler Mode Waves for Reduction of Radiation Belt Particle Populations

Paul Bernhardt, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States; Man Hua, Jacob Bortnik, University of California Los Angeles, United States; Carl Siefring, Naval Research Laboratory, United States; Qianli Ma, University of California Los Angeles, United States