F2: Random and Complex Media Models in Remote Sensing
Wed, 10 Jan, 14:40 - 16:20 MST (UTC -7)
Location: Room 245
Session Type: Lecture
Session Co-Chairs: Gary Brown, Virginia Tech and Saba Mudaliar, Air Force Research Laboratory
Track: Commission F: Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
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Wed, 10 Jan, 14:40 - 15:00 MST (UTC -7)

F2.1: Incoherent Scattering from an Object Above a Rough Surface

Joseph Gedney, Joel Johnson, Robert Burkholder, The Ohio State University, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:00 - 15:20 MST (UTC -7)

F2.2: Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Radiation Transfer in Plane-Parallel Semi-Transparent Media with Continuous Variable Refractive Index

Md Ershadul Haque, Hang Wang, Abedi Reza, University of Tennessee Space Institute, United States; Mudaliar Saba, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:20 - 15:40 MST (UTC -7)

F2.3: Snow Dielectric Constant Measurement from Brewster’s Angle Using sUAS-Based Bistatic Radar

Omid Reyhanigalangashi, Drew Taylor, Jordan Larson, Shiriniwas Kolpuke, Feras Abushakra, Aabhash Bhandari, Siva Prasad Gogineni, The University of Alabama, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 15:40 - 16:00 MST (UTC -7)

F2.4: Significant Wave Height Estimation Using UAV

Elizabeth Shi, Caglar Yardim, Joe Vinci, Ohio State University, United States
Wed, 10 Jan, 16:00 - 16:20 MST (UTC -7)

F2.5: Spectral Optical Theorem and Radiative Transport Equation in Random Media with Large Scale Fluctuations

Saba Mudaliar, Air Force Research Laboratory, United States