MO3.R8: Channels with Feedback
Mon, 8 Jul, 14:35 - 15:55
Location: Omega
Session Chair: Ram Zamir, Tel Aviv University
Track: 9: Shannon Theory
Mon, 8 Jul, 14:35 - 14:55

MO3.R8.1: Information Velocity of Cascaded AWGN Channels with Feedback

Elad Domanovitz, Anatoly Khina, Tel Aviv University, Israel; Tal Philosof, Samsung Research, Israel; Yuval Kochman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Mon, 8 Jul, 14:55 - 15:15

MO3.R8.2: Message-Cognizant Assistance and Feedback for the Gaussian Channel

Amos Lapidoth, Ligong Wang, Yiming Yan, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Mon, 8 Jul, 15:15 - 15:35

MO3.R8.3: Channel Coding with Mean and Variance Cost Constraints

Adeel Mahmood, Aaron Wagner, Cornell University, United States
Mon, 8 Jul, 15:35 - 15:55

MO3.R8.4: Systematic Transmission With Fountain Parity Checks for Erasure Channels With Stop Feedback

Hengjie Yang, Qualcomm, United States; Richard Wesel, University of California, Los Angeles, United States