MO1.R8: Channel Capacity
Mon, 8 Jul, 10:05 - 11:25
Location: Omega
Session Chair: Amos Lapidoth, ETH Zurich
Track: 9: Shannon Theory
Mon, 8 Jul, 10:05 - 10:25

MO1.R8.1: Competitive Analysis of Arbitrary Varying Channels

Michael Langberg, Buffalo University, Israel; Oron Sabag, Hebrew university, Israel
Mon, 8 Jul, 10:25 - 10:45

MO1.R8.2: The State-Dependent Channel with a Rate-Limited Cribbing Helper

Amos Lapidoth, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Yossef Steinberg, Technion - IIT, Israel
Mon, 8 Jul, 10:45 - 11:05

MO1.R8.3: Fixed-Memory Capacity Bounds for the Gilbert-Elliott Channel

Yutong Han, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Albert Guillén i Fàbregas, University of Cambridge, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, United Kingdom
Mon, 8 Jul, 11:05 - 11:25

MO1.R8.4: An Achievable Scheme for Channels with an Amplitude Constraint Using Walsh Functions

Ron Dabora, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; Shlomo Shamai (Shitz), Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Israel; H. Vincent Poor, Princeton University, United States