FR1.R6: Group Testing 1
Fri, 12 Jul, 09:45 - 11:05
Location: Sigma/Delta
Session Chair: Pavlos Nikolopoulos, EPFL
Track: 17: Group Testing
Fri, 12 Jul, 09:45 - 10:05

FR1.R6.1: Efficient designs for threshold group testing without gap

Thach V. Bui, Yeow Meng Chee, Van Khu Vu, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Fri, 12 Jul, 10:05 - 10:25

FR1.R6.2: Threshold Saturation for Quantitative Group Testing with Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

Mgeni Makambi Mashauri, Lund University, Sweden; Alexandre Graell I Amat, Chalmers University, Sweden; Michael Lentmaier, Lund University, Sweden
Fri, 12 Jul, 10:25 - 10:45

FR1.R6.3: Quantitative Group Testing with Tunable Adaptation

Mahdi Soleymani, Tara Javidi, University of California San Diego, United States
Fri, 12 Jul, 10:45 - 11:05

FR1.R6.4: Noise-Tolerant Codebooks for Semi-Quantitative Group Testing: Application to Spatial Genomics

Kok Hao Chen, Duc Tu Dao, Genome Institute of Singapore, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore; Han Mao Kiah, Van Long Phuoc Pham, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore; Eitan Yaakobi, Department of Computer Science, Technion — Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, Singapore