Paper Topics
1: [ML] Machine Learning in Signal Processing
1.1: [ML-LEA] Machine learning paradigms
1.2: [ML-REI] Reinforcement learning
1.3: [ML-DLR] Deep learning
1.4: [ML-DIS] Distributed and federated learning
1.5: [ML-GNN] Graph neural networks
1.6: [ML-EMG] Emerging machine learning topics
1.7: [ML-APP-IMAG] Machine learning applications for image and video processing
1.8: [ML-APP-BIOM] Machine learning applications for biomedical signal and image processing
1.9: [ML-APP-IFOR] Machine learning applications for information forensics and security
1.10: [ML-APP-MMOD] Machine learning applications for multimodal data
1.11: [AS-APP-GPT] Applications of generative AI and foundation models
1.12: [ML-APP-OTHR] Other applications of machine learning
2: [BI] Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
2.1: [BI-MED] Medical imaging
2.2: [BI-MED-ANLS] Medical image analysis
2.3: [BI-BIO-ANLS] Biological image analysis
2.4: [BI-APP] Applications and emerging methods in biomedical image and signal processing
3: [IV-SMR] Image and video sensing, modeling, and representation
3.1: [IV-SMR-ACQN] Image and video sensing and acquisition
3.2: [IV-SMR-REPR] Image and video representation
3.3: [IV-SMR-PERC] Perception and quality models for images and video
3.4: [IV-SMR-ML] Machine learning for image and video sensing, modeling and representation
4: [IV-TEC] Image and video processing techniques
4.1: [IV-TEC-FILT] Linear and nonlinear filtering of images and video
4.2: [IV-TEC-PDE] Partial differential equation based processing of images and video
4.3: [IV-TEC-MULT] Multiresolution processing of images and video
4.4: [IV-TEC-REST] Restoration and enhancement of images and video
4.5: [IV-TEC-INTP] Interpolation, super-resolution, and mosaicing of images and video
4.6: [IV-TEC-ML] Machine learning for image and video processing
5: [IV-COM] Image and video communications
5.1: [IV-COM-CODE] Image and video coding
5.2: [IV-COM-NETW] Imaging and video communication networks
5.3: [IV-COM-SECU] Image and video processing for watermarking and security
5.4: [IV-COM-MCOM] Image and video multimedia communications
5.5: [IV-COM-ML] Machine learning for image and video communication
6: [IV-ANA] Image and video analysis, synthesis, and retrieval
6.1: [IV-ANA-CONT] Image and video content analysis
6.2: [IV-ANA-INTR] Image and video interpretation and understanding
6.3: [IV-ANA-BIMA] Image and video biometric analysis
6.4: [IV-ANA-STOR] Image and video storage and retrieval
6.5: [IV-ANA-SYNT] Image and video synthesis, rendering, and visualization
6.6: [IV-ANA-SHAP] Region, boundary, texture and shape analysis
6.7: [IV-ANA-ML] Machine learning for image and video analysis, synthesis, and retrieval
7: [IV-3D] Three-dimensional image and video analysis and processing
7.1: [IV-3D-LIGH] Light-field image processing and compression
7.2: [IV-3D-ANLS] 3D image and video analysis and compression
7.3: [IV-3D-PROC] 3D video processing
7.4: [IV-3D-STER] Stereoscopic and multiview processing, display and coding
7.5: [IV-3D-POIN] Point cloud processing
7.6: [IV-3D-ARVR] Image and video augmented and virtual reality
7.7: [IV-3D-ML] Machine learning for 3D image and video processing
8: [IV-ELI] Electronic imaging
8.1: [IV-ELI-SCAN] Image scanning and capture
8.2: [IV-ELI-COLR] Color and multispectral imaging
8.3: [IV-ELI-ANLS] Scanned document analysis, processing, and coding
8.4: [IV-ELI-HRDW] Hardware and software systems for image and video processing
8.5: [IV-ELI-ML] Machine learning for electronic imaging
9: [IV-APP] Applications and other topics in image, video and multidimensional signal processing
9.1: [IV-APP-RMOT] Remote sensing images
10: [CI-TEC] Computational imaging methods and models
10.1: [CI-TEC-SPAR] Sparse, low-rank, and low-dimensional models for computational imaging
10.2: [CI-TEC-STAT] Statistical and graphical image models
10.3: [CI-TEC-ML] Machine learning-based methods for computational imaging
10.4: [CI-TEC-OPTI] Optimization-based inversion methods
10.5: [CI-TEC-FUSE] Multi-image methods and sensor fusion
10.6: [CI-TEC-INVR] Superresolution and inpainting methods for inverse problems
10.7: [CI-TEC-PERF] Performance assessment and uncertainty quantification for computational imaging
10.8: [CI-TEC-OTHR] Other computational imaging methods and models
11: [CI-MOD] Computational imaging modalities
11.1: [CI-MOD-COMP] Computational photography
11.2: [CI-MOD-NANO] Microscopic and nanoscopic imaging
11.3: [CI-MOD-SPEC] Spectral imaging
11.4: [CI-MOD-TOMO] Tomographic imaging
11.5: [CI-MOD-MRI] Magnetic resonance imaging
11.6: [CI-MOD-ACUS] Acoustic and ultrasound imaging
11.7: [CI-MOD-RADI] Radar/microwave and radio imaging
11.8: [CI-MOD-LIDA] Lidar imaging
11.9: [CI-MOD-SEIS] Seismic imaging
11.10: [CI-MOD-HOLO] Coherent, holographic, and speckle imaging
11.11: [CI-MOD-OTHR] Other/novel computational imaging modalities
12: [CI-HWR] Computational imaging hardware and algorithms
12.1: [CI-HWR-HIPC] High-performance computing for computational imaging
12.2: [CI-HWR-FAST] Fast algorithms for computational imaging
12.3: [CI-HWR-ALGS] Integrated hardware and algorithm design
12.4: [CI-HWR-ACQN] Computational imaging with novel sensors and acquisition methods
13: [CI-APP] Applications and other topics in computational imaging
13.1: [CI-APP] Applications and other topics in computational imaging
14: [MM] Multimedia Signal Processing
14.1: [MM-SYN] Multimedia creation and synthesis
14.2: [MM-SYS] Multimedia architecture design and systems
14.3: [MM-COM] Multimedia compression, transmission and security
14.4: [MM-STD] Multimedia standardization
14.5: [MM-USR] Multimedia environments and user experience
14.6: [MM-DAT] Multimedia information retrieval and datasets
14.7: [MM-APP] Applications in multimedia (healthcare, education, art, distributed multimedia, etc.)
15: [IF] Information Forensics and Security
15.1: [IF-CRY-MM] Multimedia encryption
15.2: [IF-WAT] Watermarking and data hiding
15.3: [IF-WAT-STEG] Steganography and steganalysis
15.4: [IF-PRV] Anonymization and data privacy
15.5: [IF-FOR-IMAG] Image forensics
15.6: [IF-FOR-VID] Video forensics
15.7: [IF-FOR-ANLS] Multimedia security analysis and benchmarking
15.8: [IF-FOR-AUTH] Multimedia content authentication and plagiarism detection
15.9: [IF-ML-ADVE] Adversarial machine learning
15.10: [IF-ML-SECY] AI for security and forensics
15.11: [IF-ML-AI] Security and forensics for AI
15.12: [IF-BIO] Biometrics
15.13: [IF-APP] Applications and other topics in forensics and security
16: [AS-APP] Signal processing application systems
16.1: [AS-APP-AUTO] Autonomous systems
16.2: [AS-APP-ROBO] Robotics